Do I Need To File A Fictitious Business Name In California

A Fictitious Business Name may be filed in person or by mail with the County Clerk. Sacramento County Fictitious Business Name Statements are filed in the Countys Business License Unit.

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Although its referred to as fictitious the name is legitimate as is any other business name whether it refers to an organization or an individual.

Do i need to file a fictitious business name in california. An individual or a business entity must file a fictitious business name FBN statement with the Registrar-RecorderCounty Clerks office in the county where the business will be located when the name of the business does not include the owners last name. You must contact the city andor county clerk andor recorder where the principal place of business is located for information regarding filing or registering fictitious business names. If you intend to call your California business something other than its legal name you are required to register the fictitious business name or FBN.

There is no provision in California for registration in a central registry at the state level of fictitious business names. A sole proprietor who wishes to practice under a fictitious name must register with and be approved by the California Board of Accountancy CBA before practicing and holding out to the public. In California a DBA may be called a fictitious business name or FBN.

California law requires that FBNs are filed at the County level. Naming a business is an important branding strategy for a person or entity involved in a for-profit trade or business in California. By Stephanie Kurose JD.

Is a DBA California the Same As a Fictitious Name. It may simply mean that the company is doing business with an unregistered name or that it is registered in another county or that it is registered with the Secretary of States Office as a corporation limited liability company or limited partnership or has the name Trademarked with the Secretary of States Office and thus does not need to file a Fictitious Business Name Statement. View Fictitious Business Name Search for more information.

A renewal of a fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to the date of expiration if you intend to continue doing business under that name and if there are no changes from the original. Fictitious Business Name Statement forms are available from and filed at the Clerk-Recorders Office. The registrant must publish the statement once a week for 4 consecutive weeks in a legally adjudicated newspaper of general circulation in the county where the fictitious business name is.

In the case of a corporation limited liability company or limited partnership a fictitious business name is any name other than the exact name that is on record with the Secretary of the States Office. Generally all businesses that wish to conduct business in California need to register and form their legal entity with the California Secretary of States Office file appropriate taxes register as an employer and obtain business licenses and other permits from appropriate cities or counties. You may not practice public accounting using a name other than the one printed on your certificate unless you have also registered that name with the CBA.

A fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it is filed in the County Clerk. This is because under California law a business name is not a fictitious name if it includes your last name. Under California state law any entity that uses a fictitious business name also referred to as a DBA or doing business as for the purpose of conducting business transactions must register that name with the state.

If you operate a sole proprietorship for example the legal name of your business is your own name. Finance 700 H Street Room 1710 First Floor Sacramento CA 95814 916-874-6644 or e-mail. Fictitious business name statements must be filed with the Registrar-RecorderCounty Clerks Office.

People starting a new business in the county may wish to search the business names on file when considering their business name. Fictitious business names are not filed with the Secretary of States Office. Under California laws there is no need for a business owner to register a DBA or a fictitious business name so long as the business name includes your last name.

There is no State-wide registry or national registry. Filing a Fictitious Business Name COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES Filing a Fictitious Business Name Prior to opening a business a business name must be selected that is not already in use and then registered. California Fictitious Business Name Filing Requirements.

Renewals Do You Need to Renew. If registrants are unable to appear in person Fictitious Business Names may be filed BY MAIL. This registration creates a public record of the real names of the business.

However because of its importance WE STRONGLY RECOMMEND for registrants to file IN PERSON.

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