How To Register A Trade Union In Zambia

Registration is done at the Patents and Companies Registration Office. B a copy of its constitution.

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The duties of the Registrar of Trade Unions in matters of registration of trade union are laid down under Section 8 of the Act.

How to register a trade union in zambia. The names occupations and addresses of the members making the application. Trade unions are in the front line defending and protect-ing the rights of workers and hold a unique position with regard to identifying where forced labour and trafficking problems occur and in pushing for and taking action to address them. We the undersigned are consented to direct the affairs of the proposed co-operative society as required by subsection 2 of section thirty-eight of the Co-operative Societies Act until our successors are elected at the first annual general meeting held after registration of the co-operative society.

Four teacher unions have merged to form a new union called the Zambia Teachers Union ZATU. MUZ is one of the largest trade unions in Zambia and Africa comprising approximately 23 000 members scattered across 36 branches Bates 1972. Currently the ZCTU represents thirty three 33 affiliated national unions operating in various sectors of the economy.

Any two or more persons can incorporate a company under the Companys Act. To become a political wing of the party and to use it as a weapon against the Government. List of best Trade Unions in Zambia of 2021.

Which had been fighting for independence. Trade Union Profile 17 31 Trade Union History 17 32 Membership Development and Union Density 18 33 Trade Union Structure 20 331 Trade Union Centres 20 332 Individual Unions 21 333 Relationship between Trade Unions and Affiliates 22 34 Internal Organisation and Finance 22. The four unions are Zambia National Union of Teachers ZNUT.

Zambia Congress of Trade Unions was established in 1965 through an act of Parliament until 1993 the ZCTU was the sole umbrella organisation of trade Unions in the country. Amidst the recent democratic crisis following the announcement that the Patriotic Front government intends to deregister the main opposition party the Movement for Multi-Party Democracy few commentators have picked-up on the growing tension between new president Michael Sata and Zambias trade unions. 3 On being satisfied that an application for registration as a trade union has complied with the conditions of registration prescribed under this Act and that the constitution of the proposed trade union provides for matters set out in the Schedule to this Act the Commissioner shall register the group of employees as trade union and issue the trade union with certificate of registration in the prescribed form upon.

This toolkit was developed in collaboration with trade unions in Zambia. The vision of the Zambia Congress of Trade. 1The genesis of trade unionism in Zambia dates back to the time of the start of mining on the.

On having being satisfied with the requirements for the registration of the union the Registrar shall register the trade union by entering in a register. So come down with me in my Leyland as we chronicle the hurly burly history of unionism in Zambia. It aims to provide practical.

A a prescribed form that has been properly completed. We the undersigned insert name address and occupation of at least ten persons or of at least two officers of each society if application is made by registered co-operative societies desire to form a co-operative society under the Co-operative Societies Act and hereby apply for registration. The letter to this effect will be issued to the Trade Union.

According to FES 2013 unions such as Mine Workers Union of Zambiawere among the key trade unions andspoke with a strong voice. It wanted the TUC. D The Impact of Political Pluralism on Trade Unionism.

TRADE UNION DEVELOPMENT IN ZAMBIA 19 II By 1949 the dominant political party was the ANC. Find Trade Unions in Zambia and get directions and maps for local businesses in Africa. VISION AND MISSION Over the last 50 years Zambia Congress of Trade Unions ZCTU has worked with different unions to organise and unite all workers into a strong unified dynamic and self-sustaining labour movement as a basis for achieving positive economic political and social justice for all and good gove ance in the interest of the nation.

Chapter One Legislative and Political Developments of the Trade Unions in Zambia In terms of post-independence legislative developments the Trade Unions and Trade Disputes Act of 1964 was the earliest piece of legislation to regulate trade union activities. C Trade Union Registration. REGISTRATION LICENSES AND PERMITS COMPANY FORMATION AND REGISTRATION The Companys Act Cap 388 governs the registration of companies in Zambia.

Generally refused to listen to. 1 Any trade union or employers organization may apply for registration by submitting to the registrar-. Registration of trade unions or employers organizations.

The registration fee is enclosed. According to section 5 of the Act every application for the registration of the trade union shall be made to the Registrar and shall be accompanied by a copy of the rules of the Trade Union and a statement of the following particulars namely-.

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